Microsoft.csharp.core.targets Was Not Found Mac Visual Studio

Posted By admin On 27.03.20
  1. Microsoft.csharp.core.targets Was Not Found Mac Visual Studio Download
  2. Microsoft.csharp.core.targets Was Not Found Mac Visual Studio Free
  3. Microsoft.csharp.core.targets Was Not Found Mac Visual Studio 2017 Console
  • As per this GitHub issue, you'll need to set $(RoslynTargetsPath). If MSBuild is installed on the machine and your tests run in a Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt, then you shouldn't need to do anything.
  • Apr 11, 2017  I have downloaded the visual studio for Mac preview. And in the asp project I couldn't found the element inside the toolbox and nothing to download also. What's going wrong? The query posted by you has not reached the right forum. To assist best on your query, I am moving the query to the right forum. Hi B.0903, Welcome to the MSDN forum.
  • MSBuild.targets files.; 2 minutes to read +6; In this article. MSBuild includes several.targets files that contain items, properties, targets, and tasks for common scenarios. These files are automatically imported into most Visual Studio project files to.

Aug 24, 2015 This will launch Visual Studio setup where you can install the templates that are missing. Alternatively, you can install the below feature by changing the installed Visual Studio 2015 from the “Control Panel Programs Programs and Features”: P.S. For Windows 7 OS, the workaround 1 will be applicable only. It can also occur with Visual Basic.


While trying to create any C# shared or Windows Phone projects using the Visual Studio 2015 IDE, you may receive an error message as highlighted below:

This is a known issue and it would be fixed in a future update. In order to resolve the issue, please follow the below two workaround:


Workaround 1: Please modify the CodeSharing targets. To do so, download the attached target file and replace the file 'C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoftVisualStudiov14.0CodeSharingMicrosoft.CodeSharing.CSharp.targets' with it.

Alternatively, you can repair the target file manually:
Open the file C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoftVisualStudiov14.0CodeSharingMicrosoft.CodeSharing.CSharp.targets(or, for Visual Basic, Microsoft.CodeSharing.VisualBasic.targets) Replace words microsoft word mac.

Around line 8, you should see two entries:
<Import Project='$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)MicrosoftWindowsXamlv$(VisualStudioVersion)Microsoft.Windows.UI.Xaml.CSharp.targets' Condition='Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)MicrosoftWindowsXamlv$(VisualStudioVersion)Microsoft.Windows.UI.Xaml.CSharp.targets')'/>

<Import Project='$(MSBuildBinPath)Microsoft.CSharp.Targets' Condition='!Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)MicrosoftWindowsXamlv$(VisualStudioVersion)Microsoft.Windows.UI.Xaml.CSharp.targets')' />
Replace these entries with the following:

Microsoft.csharp.core.targets Was Not Found Mac Visual Studio Download

<Import Project='$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)MicrosoftWindowsXamlv$(VisualStudioVersion)Microsoft.Windows.UI.Xaml.CSharp.targets' Condition='false'/>

Microsoft.csharp.core.targets Was Not Found Mac Visual Studio Free

<Import Project='$(MSBuildBinPath)Microsoft.CSharp.Targets' Condition='true' />

Microsoft.csharp.core.targets Was Not Found Mac Visual Studio 2017 Console

Workaround 2:
1. Open the VS 2015 IDE
2. Click on File->New->Project
3. Choose the only Project template under Windows 8 (below screenshot)
This will launch Visual Studio setup where you can install the templates that are missing.

Alternatively, you can install the below feature by changing the installed Visual Studio 2015 from the “Control PanelProgramsPrograms and Features”:

P.S. For Windows 7 OS, the workaround 1 will be applicable only. It can also occur with Visual Basic shared projects. Obviously the file to modify would be the VB one (Microsoft.CodeSharing.VisualBasic.targets)